In this set we will be introducing you with some string tools then we will jump to typical string problems.
but before doing that practice these primary operations on string given below
finding length of the string
traversing through all the characters of string
//searching for particular element in string and return its all occurance positions
//searching for particular element in string and return its first occurance positions
searching for particular element in string and return its last occurance positions
to check for the presence of a sequence in a string
//reverse a string
string palindrome 1
palindrome recurcive program
substring from a string
create a program to join multiple strings with @ sign in between them always
to check equality of two string
to check if string is empty
combining two or more strings
replace character from string
comparing two strings ignoring case sensitivity
to split string based on some expression
we are checking for the mirror of the string is equal to orignal string or not